# ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» # ºMAKE A BACKUP OF THIS FILE AND KEY.PED BEFORE YOU ALTER ITº # ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ # function return ascii scan comment # name val <^a> ^a ^^ ^a #these assignments allow the key in <^b> ^b ^^ ^b #of any literal control character by <^c> ^c ^^ ^c #first typing ^ (control circumflex) <^d> ^d ^^ ^d #followed by the control character you <^e> ^e ^^ ^e #want. <^f> ^f ^^ ^f <^g> ^g ^^ ^g <^h> ^h ^^ ^h <^i> ^i ^^ ^i <^j> ^j ^^ ^j <^k> ^k ^^ ^k <^l> ^l ^^ ^l <^m> ^m ^^ ^m <^n> ^n ^^ ^n <^o> ^o ^^ ^o <^p> ^p ^^ ^p <^q> ^q ^^ ^q <^r> ^r ^^ ^r <^s> ^s ^^ ^s <^t> ^t ^^ ^t <^u> ^u ^^ ^u <^v> ^v ^^ ^v <^w> ^w ^^ ^w <^x> ^x ^^ ^x <^y> ^y ^^ ^y <^z> ^z ^^ ^z <^[> ^[ ^^ ^[ <^\> ^\ ^^ ^\ <^]> ^] ^^ ^] <^^> ^^ ^^ ^^ <^_> ^_ ^^ ^_ 301 +0 15 #shift tab 371 +0 30 #alt A 372 +0 48 #alt B 387 +0 46 #alt C 374 +0 32 #alt D 375 +0 18 #alt E 376 +0 33 #alt F 377 +0 34 #alt G 378 +0 35 #alt H 379 +0 23 #alt I 380 +0 36 #alt J 381 +0 37 #alt K 382 +0 38 #alt L 383 +0 50 #alt M 384 +0 49 #alt N 385 +0 24 #alt O 386 +0 25 #alt P 451 +0 16 #alt Q 388 +0 19 #alt R 389 +0 31 #alt S 390 +0 20 #alt T 391 +0 22 #alt U 392 +0 47 #alt V 393 +0 17 #alt W 394 +0 45 #alt X 395 +0 21 #alt Y 396 +0 44 #alt Z 397 +0 120 #alt 1 398 +0 121 #alt 2 399 +0 122 #alt 3 400 +0 123 #alt 4 401 +0 124 #alt 5 402 +0 125 #alt 6 403 +0 126 #alt 7 404 +0 127 #alt 8 405 +0 128 #alt 9 432 +0 129 #alt 0 407 +0 130 #alt - 408 +0 131 #alt = 331 +0 59 #F1 help 332 +0 60 #F2 416 +0 61 #F3 334 +0 62 #F4 335 +0 63 #F5 336 +0 64 #F6 422 +0 65 #F7 430 +0 66 #F8 339 +0 67 #F9 340 +0 68 #F10 <+F1> 341 +0 84 #+F1 <+F2> 342 +0 85 #+F2 <+F3> 343 +0 86 #+F3 <+F4> 344 +0 87 #+F4 <+F5> 345 +0 88 #+F5 <+F6> 346 +0 89 #+F6 <+F7> 347 +0 90 #+F7 <+F8> 348 +0 91 #+F8 <+F9> 349 +0 92 #+F9 <+F10> 350 +0 93 #+F10 351 +0 94 #^F1 352 +0 95 #^F2 415 +0 96 #^F3 414 +0 97 #^F4 337 +0 98 #^F5 448 +0 99 #^F6 358 +0 100 #^F7 421 +0 101 #^F8 359 +0 102 #^F9 360 +0 103 #^F10 361 +0 104 #aF1 362 +0 105 #aF2 363 +0 106 #aF3 364 +0 107 #aF4 365 +0 108 #aF5 366 +0 109 #aF6 367 +0 110 #aF7 368 +0 111 #aF8 369 +0 112 #aF9 370 +0 113 #aF10 302 +0 71 #Home on numeric keypad 308 +0 72 #up arrow 306 +0 73 #PgUp 313 +0 74 #grey minus on numeric keypad 311 +0 75 #left arrow 310 +0 77 #right arrow 312 +0 78 #grey plus on numeric keypad 303 +0 79 #End on numeric keypad 309 +0 80 #down arrow 307 +0 81 #PgDn 304 +0 82 #Ins on numeric keypad 305 +0 83 #Del (on numeric keypad) 330 +0 147 #^Del 318 +0 115 #^ left arrow 319 +0 116 #^ right arrow 315 +0 117 #^ End 317 +0 118 #^ PgDn 314 +0 119 #^ Home 316 +0 132 #^ PgUp 445 127 #^ Backspace 423 ^[ #escape 426 ^a c #center 425 ^a l #left 424 ^a r #right 419 ^h #backspace 420 ^i #tab right 418 ^m #carriage return 333 ^n #insert line 338 ^t #delete word 334 ^y #delete line 416 ^u #restore line 409 ^w #cursor to left edge (also shift home) 431 ^e #cursor to right edge (also shift end) 325 ^\ #macro on off switch 324 ^_ #clear a macro key 353 ^k n #insert blank lines 354 ^k d #delete blank lines 428 ^k l #to lower case 427 ^k u #to upper case 434 ^k m #move block 443 ^k w #write block to file 444 ^q b #merges file PB$$$$.sed 415 ^q i #insert del line segment 437 ^q j #join lines 442 ^q n #counts number of words 438 ^q o #open line 429 ^q t #insert del word 436 ^q u #duplicate line 439 ^q w #paragraph up 414 ^q y #for my German friend 440 ^q z #paragraph down 450 ^q l #leave 406 ^v v #vertical ruler 433 ^v h #vertical ruler 323 ^v x #toggle #lines 25, 43/50 412 ^v u #toggle line ending sequence ( /u ) # # The menu key is a little special - if you wish to assign it to # another key (other than alt space) then remove the # in front of # and change the +0 +0 to some other value(s) # # 435 +0 +0 #alt spacebar key by default 321 +0 +0 #display borders or not 322 +0 +0 #(toggle menu display) 356 +0 +0 #change active window colors 320 +0 +0 #set backup directory 355 +0 +0 #set insert/replace mode on startup